Self-introduction is an important point in any form of speech and Presentation. With her you can awareness focus on yourself and put yourself in the right light. It is a pity that so few speakers present themselves skillfully.


Self-Imagination and Self-Presentation: A Definition of the Concept

Self-image and self-presentation are extremely important these days. That applies to Employees as well as for Companies. It is not for nothing that there are legions of marketing experts in companies whose task is to Brand or present a product in a convincing way.

Self-presentation and self-imagination are two important concepts that play an important role in how individuals perceive themselves, how they interact with others, and how they relate to others Welt presented opposite. The Concept refers to the beliefs, attitudes and opinions that individuals hold about themselves and the way in which individuals present themselves to others. These concepts are closely related, as a person's self-presentation often shapes their self-presentation, and their self-presentation can also influence their self-concept.

It doesn't work without self-expression and self-presentation

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The understanding of self-concept, self-presentation and self-portrayal are crucial for Peoplethat a strong self-confidence develop and positive want to build relationships with others. By understanding the way you present yourself to others, you can work on improving your self-esteem, increasing your self-confidence, and developing a more positive self-image.

Because what applies to companies also applies to individuals: self-marketing, convincing other people through the right self-presentation, is an important building block for the personal Success.

What is the best way to introduce yourself to other people?

But in this day and age, when there are so many ways to express yourself, it can be difficult to know exactly what to say about your self-expression and, even harder, how to say it. How do we say the right things? How do we speak to others? How do we present ourselves to others?

Even though most people know very well how important it is who they are and what they have to say, even though they know that they need to use their strengths and present themselves in a way that others want to listen to and get to know them better: Most people have simply never learned how to present themselves optimally to other people.

Self-awareness for introverts

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You ask yourself a lot more: Do you always have to introduce yourself to people or is it in Orderto let others do the talking? The latter seems to work better for some, especially introverted natures. However, I don't always have the opportunity to do that. And at some point even the most introvert has to crawl out of his shell and introduce himself.

But how do you go about it? Self-presentation is the ArtTo make yourself more attractive to others, whether for professional purposes or personal interactions. In contrast, self-portrayal rhetoric is a level of language that makes important points about you and your self-portrayal more convincing.

The high art of self-presentation

The art of self-presentation is to present yourself in the best possible way. You have the Control about the impression you make on her Audience make. This can range from presenting yourself as a role model, to presenting yourself as a leader, to presenting yourself as an emotionally and financially stable person.

The self-presentation and the self-imagination is the area where everything begins, because you tinker the image of yourself. Everything is brought to the good, cultivated language and expression. It's about engaging the audience and having a positive one like that Resonance

Act like someone who knows what they're doing

Self-expression & self-expression rhetoric refers to the act of self-expression in a manner that is consistent with the individual's self-image and results in the portrayal being perceived as correct, normal and appropriate. The image that one conveys of oneself when presenting oneself should be as congruent as possible with the impression that others have of us.

Many people assume that confidence is an innate trait that some people are born with and others are not. However, the truth is that confidence is a skill that can be developed and honed over time. If you take the time over your thoughts, emotions and thinking about behaviors, you can gain a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses win and how they affect your work. This, in turn, can help you develop better self-confidence and a more positive attitude towards your career goals.

There is no second chance for a first impression

Sometimes it's about things that seem very superficial, like images, sounds and other things that we use to represent ourselves. This image of ourselves is often the first thing that determines how we see ourselves and how others see us. You should you act like a person who knows what they are doing and who is able to give the reasons for their work and explain why they are doing this work and why it is important.

Unfortunately, the saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” is all too true. I often hear people complain that they weren't invited to parties because they wore the wrong outfit, that they didn't get a second look from a potential partner because of their looks, or that they didn't get a job because they didn't were dressed well enough. It's not pretty, but it's very human.

Why self-awareness is so important at work

Am Workplace The rhetoric of self-expression is particularly important in correspondence, leadership, and job interviews, but it also plays a role in the processes of job satisfaction, career development, and negotiation salary and services.

In today's fast-paced and competitive Working world it is essential to have a deep understanding of one's strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness is a crucial skill that can help you navigate the complex social and professional dynamics of the workplace. It can help you build better relationships with your colleagues, set realistic goals, and make more informed decisions. Ultimately, self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal and professional life growth, and it's important to cultivate this skill if you want to be successful in your career.

More than the oral CV

This shows why this topic is such a special one in a professional context Significance due. But how exactly do you go about doing this?

When introducing yourself, of course, you have to list a few stages in your life in a very mundane way. In addition to the name, this can then already be finished. And that is enough for some moments, because of the situation and that Objective it depends.

Self-introduction in 5 steps

What is ideal, however, is a self-conception that is a little more than an oral one Curriculum vitae. But if you really want to be remembered, you can use a surprise in which you pack this data. Some examples:

  1. Thus a surprise can be used as a thread
  2. “My motto in life: start at the top - it is too difficult from the bottom. That's why I have ... ”.
  3. “My parents raised me, a girl, as a boy”
  4. “I never wanted to be a doctor because I couldn't see blood”
  5. An object has changed my life [eg. As braces, the dentures of the great-grandmother, etc. - possibly even high]

Use formal surprises

Another way to attract attention is to use a formal surprise. And this goes like this:

The perfect entry level

In addition, a direct entry sentence that draws attention and a degree that sets an “emotional highlight” as a “highlight” helps.

Monological self-presentations without resulting in a Conversation will usually last between 45 seconds and probably 10 minutes. You can prepare yourself with a “standard performance” and practice the introductory speech perfectly.

  1. The standard idea is built modular so that it can be cut from the back without losing any substance. Thus, the speaker has immediate control of each length
  2. The special situation or listener builds the speaker through thematic variations

Thus the speech is strategically always ready - but tactically flexible.

Improve the redecode

In the course of time one can then slowly expand his speech from speech to speech. You should not ask for too much at once, because even Bach does not play on the piano the first time completely.

Step by step you need to develop your skills and understand every public speech like a training. And if something does not work?

The audience wants to see the speaker win

Do not worry, the audience did not know what they were up to, and it's always benevolent except for a crisis speech. It wants to see the speaker win. This almost always happens more or less intensively - unless we talk about weeds.

Nevertheless, doctors do not learn it in the Study, Managers are more intuitive users and many themselves ProfessorDespite lectures, they hold the effective speech for a foreign country. Good rhetoric is still a foreign word for many.

Performance alone is not enough

This is especially so in Germany, where a technology-oriented, engineering-driven, service-disciplined nation was educated in the belief that core performance must be just enough to make a career and earn economic victories.

The fact that you have to convince other people through speech and talk was completely unknown to the trainers in school, crafts and studies and is mostly still today. But now there is no more success in the speech.

Symbiosis with the listeners

But speakers and listeners work on a mutualistic symbiosis of cooperation. A speech is always about cooperation = the trend word also der Future. The speaker helps the listener thematically with his performance, just as the listener helps the speaker with his reaction.

By offering Information, entertainment and emotional-spiritual contact, the lecturer not only wants to make an impact, but also to promote one's own standing and reputation.

The 4 maxims of a speech

The English philosopher Paul Grice formulated communication maxims, which can be read like a guide for the basic development of a speech:

  1. Maxime of Quantity: Be at least as informative as is necessary for the acknowledged purpose of the speech. Do not make them more informative than necessary.
  2. The maxim of quality: Try to be true and say nothing that you think is wrong. Do not say anything for which you have no sufficient clues.
  3. Maxime of relevance: Say nothing that does not belong to the topic and does not change the subject.
  4. Maxime of Style: Avoid ambiguity, ambiguity, unnecessary prolixity and disorder.

Learn the packaging art of speech

This is already missing in many training courses because the speech craft is not in the job descriptions. The result is too many PowerPoint presentations that do not support any of these points. If you want and have to design an effective speech performance from these basic rules, then it is important to learn the packaging art of speech. A. Busch formulated this in his booklet “Talking and Toasting” as early as 1899:

“So the art of speaking can be acquired, that is for sure. But here, as in many other things, it doesn't do that exercise the master alone. But it also requires certain instructions, Regulate and hints to follow in order to become a successful public speaker.”

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