KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung

KI ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug, das die Prozesse in Unternehmen entscheidend verbessert. Deshalb haben wir Janson Pressgroup Response ins Leben gerufen: Der Dienst analysiert auf Basis unserer jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung Daten wie Prozesse und bereitet diese entsprechend auf. Janson Pressgroup Response hilft auf diese Weise, schnell und effizient die bestmöglichen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Unseren Kunden bieten wir zudem einen interaktiven AI consultant.

KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung

Unternehmen stehen vor vielen Herausforderungen


der Unternehmen finden es zu zeitaufwändig, zahlreiche Kanäle und Datenquellen zu durchsuchen, um geeignete Informationen zu finden.


der Unternehmen beklagen, dass traditionelle Entscheidungsprozesse zu fehleranfällig sind.


der Unternehmen geben an, dass ihnen dadurch hoher Aufwand und entsprechende Kosten entstehen, die sie gerne vermeiden würden.

Unsere KI-Software nutzt maschinelles Lernen und Natural Language Processing, um die passenden Informationen für Entscheidungen zu finden und aufzubereiten. Dies ermöglicht es, schneller und effizienter passgenaue Entscheidungen zu treffen.

KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung

This is what our most successful customers and media such as FAZ and ZEIT say

We know that every individual and every company faces individual challenges. That's why we take the time to listen to our clients' needs and develop customized solutions that fit their unique circumstances. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions and take control of your brand message. Here you will find some press and customer comments about the publisher. More under References and Press.

[…] easy-to-implement tips on how to reach your goal with less effort makes life easier.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

She also runs the blog, which is one of the most widely read blogs on the subject of work, education and careers in Germany.


Your great Best of HR-Berufebilder blog has been with me for years.

Dr. Margrit Bielmeier, MB HR CONSULTING

Thanks for the great seminar. We loved it. They were optimally adapted to our needs and could open our eyes in many ways!

Agency publica projects GmbH

The use of interactive AI solutions offers these advantages

Welcome to the era of artificial intelligence (AI), in which innovative solutions can take our professional and private goals to a new level. AI solutions offer a variety of benefits that help us work more efficiently, make informed decisions and achieve our personal ambitions.

In a professional context, AI solutions enable more effective use of our resources. Through automated processes and intelligent algorithms, repetitive tasks can be automated, freeing up time and energy that we can use for more demanding and creative activities. AI-powered analytics and predictive models help us process complex data sets and gain valuable insights that support strategic planning and decision-making. In addition, AI solutions enable a personalized experience by taking into account our individual needs and preferences and providing tailored recommendations and solutions.

AI solutions also offer numerous advantages in the private sector. They can help us better organize our time by helping us schedule appointments, manage tasks, and remember important events. Smart assistants and chatbots are available to us XNUMX/XNUMX and can help us find information, answer questions, and solve problems. AI-powered fitness and health applications can help us achieve our wellness and fitness goals by providing us with personalized training plans, nutritional recommendations and motivation.

Another major advantage of AI solutions is their ability to continually learn and improve. Through machine learning and ongoing data analysis, AI systems can optimize their performance and accuracy over time. This means we always receive current and precise information as well as increasingly effective solutions for our professional and private goals.

Overall, AI solutions offer a variety of advantages that help us achieve our professional and personal goals more efficiently and effectively. From task automation and intelligent data analysis to personalized support and continuous improvement, AI solutions open up new opportunities for us to fully realize our potential and maximize our successes. Immerse yourself in the world of artificial intelligence and be inspired by the advantages of AI solutions in achieving your goals.

5 Beispiel-Cases: So nutzen Unternehmen KI-Beratung in der Personalarbeit

By integrating career counseling with HR, companies can ensure their employees receive the support and resources they need to achieve their career goals. This can lead to higher employee satisfaction, motivation and retention, ultimately driving organizational performance and success. Companies can use human resources (HR) career counseling to help their employees develop professionally and achieve their career goals. Below are some specific ways companies can use career advice in HR:

KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
  1. Career planning and development: HR can conduct individual career conversations with employees to understand their professional goals and ambitions. Based on these conversations, HR professionals can offer advice, recommendations and support in developing career plans. This may include identifying development opportunities, training or continuing education programs that will help employees expand their skills and knowledge.
  2. Mentoring programs: HR can implement mentoring programs where experienced employees act as mentors and support younger or less experienced employees in their career development. These mentors can provide valuable insight, advice, and support to help employees achieve their career goals.
  3. Career advice and coaching: HR can hire professional career advisors or coaches to provide employees with individual support in career planning and development. These experts can help employees identify their strengths, set career goals, overcome obstacles, and develop professional development strategies.
  4. Further education and training: HR can offer training and development programs that help employees improve their skills and knowledge and expand their career opportunities. This can include both internal training and external training, giving employees the opportunity to learn new skills and grow professionally.
  5. Career resources and information: HR can provide employees with access to comprehensive career resources and information. This may include providing career websites, online tools, guidelines, books or other resources to help employees learn about different career options and support their professional development.

Service- Leistungen im Detail

  • Datengestützte Analyse von Informationen
  • Datenbasierte Informationsauswertung
  • Qualitätskontrolle & Faktencheck
  • Aufbereitung von Informationen
  • Datengestützte Beratung
  • Zu allen Prozessen auf Wunsch umfangreiches Reporting
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung
KI-gestützte Datenanalyse & Beratung

The AI ​​service offers you these advantages

  1. Increasing efficiency
  2. Improving quality
  3. Increasing transparency