With the crowdsourcing report, in which I also worked as a co-author, we won the new book award in the science department this year. derneuebuchpreis.de (dnbp) is run by ZEIT ONLINE, The dayspiegel, awarded by the Reading Foundation and epubli today at the Frankfurt Book Fair.


Nominated by the readers

In the first step, readers voted in the five categories of fiction, non-fiction, science, Art and photography as well as children's and youth books nominated the five favorites.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for all the readers' comments: As a thank you we will use the prize money to organize a party in Berlin and Cologne.

Chosen by a top-class jury

In the second step a high-caliber jury decided. They include:

Prize loan at the Frankfurt Book Fair

The award ceremony of derneuebuchpreis.de (dnbp) takes place today at the Frankfurt Book Fair, namely by 18: 00 - 19: 00 clock in the Agora, in the reading tent on the open area between hall 3 and 4. The prize is endowed with a total of 20.000 €.

The editors Karsten Wenzlaff from the Institute for Communication in social media and Claudia Pelzer from the German Crowdsourcing Association will be present in person.

{Appointment} We win book prize from, among others ZEIT ONLINE & Foundation Reading: Awarded today at the Frankfurt Book Fair

The content of the crowdsourcing report

The report, published by Karsten Wenzlaff and Jörg Eisfeld-Reschke from the Institute for Communication in Social Media and Claudia Pelzer from the German Crowdsourcing Association, analyzes the main fields of crowdsourcing in Germany, including topics such as crowdfunding and open Innovation, Microtasks and Liquid Democracy.

He compares the state of development in Germany with crowdsourcing in other European countries and in the USA. A number of practical examples explain the immediate application strategies for Companies, Organizations and individuals, such as journalists and designers.

Top books on the subject

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